shangula is thinking |
marko hEXPO |
marko MKC |
Zladko |
Meta |
its like a fish is learning to fly, what
realy also exist even when you have never seen it, and a bird is learning to swimm,
thats when alternativ-system meets art-system of hexpo
life-style community
working and living together all in one place
Marko Kosnik is confronting us without
pity to the background of this festival, with the struggle and the complications
of Slowenien "Alternativ"systems.
Marko Brezelj is explaining us his political
position and his huge work in mkc what he does with his wife Arijana. Arijana
and the kitchen group realy were looking in a great way for us and our stomac
and dayli needs. Thanks a lot!
meta is our loved crazy open coordinator
miran mohar, a participant of the Slowenien-Art-group "Irwin" presenting us his
interesting lecture.(neue slowenische Kunst)
Zladko Buric was performing his lecture
in a passion-way showing the different ways of non-understanding each other. But
at last you get a peace of the Melone anyway.
Zoran Todorovic,Zladko Buric and Rahel Zweig try to find out who
can shit with whom in the same room or what are you doing first in the morning when you wake up? What was your
sensation when you felt the first time in your life a toung in your mouth? I meen, its also chemical systems
which are provoking nervius systems.
The koper Performance-Group with
maria belas
zladko buric
zoran todorovic
rahel zweig
waked up all strong and lightend powers of tito square. For the first time together
they createt a impressional public athmosphere and reached out to the people of